Zeszyt Naukowy Numer 43

01.03.2021 Zeszyty naukowe
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Od Redakcji / From Editors

Kateryna Antoniuk, Anatoly Mokiy, Dmytro Antoniuk
Abstract: The aim of the article was to study regional innovative development through the implementation of projects and programs of subregional smart specialization to strengthen consumption safety. To ensure the conceptual integrity of the study, such methods as theoretical generalization, comparison, dialectics, analysis and systematization, institutional analysis, statistical analysis and the smart specialization approach to innovative regional development were used. As a result of the conducted research, an inextricable relationship was established between consumption safety and regional innovative development. The state, problems and prospects of innovative development and smart specialization are studied on the example of the Zaporizhzhia region (in Ukraine), which as an “old industrial” one with a number of environmental problems and corresponding negative consequences for public health, has significant threats to consumption safety. It was found that the application of a sectoral approach to smart specialization will create conditions to position regional producers and products as resource and environmentally friendly, which will strengthen competitiveness, increase enterprise income, reduce their environmental impact and raise the quality of life of the region. The importance of sectoral and subregional smart specialization (at the level of united territorial communities, urban areas, rural settlements) to strengthen consumption safe-ty is substantiated.

Keywords: consumption safety, innovation potential of the region, smart specialization, subregion
DOI: 10.17512/znpcz.2021.3.01

Svitlana Gutkevych, Lina Shenderivska
Abstract: The article aims to determine the current areas of economic development of publishing and printing companies that meet the requirements of economic digitalization. According to the results of content analysis of modern publications, effective ways of development implemented in branch enterprises are determined. In order to identify priority measures for publishing and printing companies with competitive potential and prospects for the industry development, a SWOT analysis is applied. The SWOT analysis revealed that potentially productive ways of enterprise development are expanding the range of products and services, improving their quality in the publishing and printing complex; integrating industry entities into the digital information environment, accessing international markets; state support in the implementation of measures to promote reading. It is determined that ensuring enterprises' efficiency requires the implementation of stages of effective enterprises development. Information support is necessary for making quality management decisions, respectively, to achieve the goals of development management. Resource potential combines a rational policy of supply and usage of financial, logistical, and labor resources. Organizational support aims to create an organizational structure in accordance with the purpose and objectives of enterprise management. The management of publishing and printing enterprises development aims at the transition to a new quality state, increasing earning capacity, competitiveness, extending the life cycle, mutually beneficial integration with the subjects of creative industries.

Keywords: development, digitalization, earning capacity, management functions, printing, publishing, SWOT-analysis
DOI: 10.17512/znpcz.2021.3.02

Agnieszka Kabalska
Abstract: The sustainable business model (SBM) concept emerged as one of the most compelling research topics in contemporary management. The multifariousness of discussion areas and problems related to creating, implementing, and modifying SMBs offers great at is ultimate, which means that it is sustainable in all three dimensions, i.e., in the technological, social, and environmental context, by applying innovations corresponding to these categories (technological, social, and organizational). Particular attention was paid to the discussion on SBM archetypes and a framework describing SBM key features that served as points of reference for further investigations. The paper comprises two major parts; the introduction of the sustainable business model concept is followed by research results. The theoretical part includes a presentation of the most important SBM definitions discussed in the managerial literature. In the second empirical part, based on secondary sources, an illustrative case study of an ultimately sustainable business model (USBM) was developed and discussed.

Keywords: business models, sustainable business model, sustainable value
DOI: 10.17512/znpcz.2021.3.03

Yana Koleshnia, Hanna Zhaldak
Abstract: The article highlights the attempt to interpret the concept of digital logistics, which in most scientific papers is considered not as a separate concept, but as a set of technologies that allow digitalization of logistics. The main goal of the study is to review key technologies that allow us to talk about the digital transformation of logistics and its digitalization. In particular, the methods and advantages of using technologies such as the Internet of Things, RFID technology, wireless sensor networks (WSN), which are used in an integrated manner and make it possibleto track the movement of goods and apply smart management; digital duplicates that simulate real objects, in particular, warehouses in digital format; autopilot cars, drones, which minimize human participation in the processes of delivery and transportation; blockchain, Big Data, Data Lakes, artificial intelligence, which together allow to form arrays of information and make conclusions and forecasts based on them, which allow optimizing logistics processes; 3D printing, which makes it possible to replace the delivery of components with their production on-site as needed. Technology such as digital logistics platforms that can be used to optimize procurement and transportation of goods is singled out. Research methodology: analysis and synthesis – for preliminary analysis with the formulation of problems, definition of goals, system approach – for definition of structural connections between elements of digital technology of logistics.

Keywords: digital logistics, digital technologies, digital transformation, digitalization, logistics
DOI: 10.17512/znpcz.2021.3.04

Katarzyna Łyp
Streszczenie: Wewnętrzne rozwiązania w jednostkach medycznych, kształtujące porządek czynności wchodzących w skład procesu diagnostyczno-leczniczego przewidzianego dla polskiego pacjenta, zagrażają bezpiecznemu i skutecznemu uzyskaniu korzyści terapeu-tycznych, stwarzając jedynie pozory starań pracowników. Celem głównym artykułu jest przedstawienie autorskiego, innowacyjnego modelu procesu diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego, który pozwolił na skuteczne zaspokojenie społecznego zapotrzebo-wania na usługi zdrowotne w Polsce. Podmiot badań empirycznych stanowili pacjenci oddziałów Uniwersyteckiego Szpitala Klinicznego w Opolu. Przedmiotem badań była gotowość pacjentów do współpłacenia za poszczególne etapy procesu diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego oraz deklarowana wysokość współpłacenia. Przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe uzupełnione wywiadem.

Słowa kluczowe: ochrona zdrowia, realizacja procesu diagnostyczno-leczniczego, za-rządzanie w ochronie zdrowia
DOI: 10.17512/znpcz.2021.3.05

Żaneta Warzecha , Anna Martynko
Streszczenie: We współczesnych realiach turbulentnego otoczenia, niezależnie od sektora, funkcjonowanie podmiotów gospodarczych obwarowane jest licznymi trudnościami. Obecnie w największym stopniu przyczynił się do tego wybuch wirusa SARS-CoV-2. Wstrząs wywołany pandemią COVID-19 uwypuklił wiele problemów gospodarki finansowej jednostek samorządów terytorialnych, narastających na przestrzeni ostatnich dziesięcioleci. Dotychczasowe badania dotyczące problematyki pandemii COVID-19 w głównej mierze odnoszą się do zagadnień prezentowanych w skali makro. W związku z tym celem niniejszej publikacji jest przybliżenie problematyki związanej z zarządzaniem finansami jednostek samorządów terytorialnych. Na bazie rozważań teoretycznych omówiono aspekty efektywnego zarządzania finansami jednostek samorządów terytorialnych, które mają odzwierciedlenie w zdolności do rozwoju. Z kolei część empiryczna została opracowana przy użyciu metody desk research. Ponadto niniejszy artykuł wzbogacono o wybrane metody statystyczne, tj. metodę TOPSIS oraz metodę Hellwiga. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje, iż w największym stopniu skutki pandemii odczuły jednostki samorządów terytorialnych o charakterze turystycznym. Autonomiczność determinowana wysokimi dochodami własnymi w poprzednich latach wpływa negatywnie na obecną sytuację finansową omawianych jednostek samorządów terytorialnych.

Słowa kluczowe: jednostki samorządów terytorialnych, metoda TOPSIS, metoda Hellwiga, potencjał finansowy, wskaźniki budżetowe

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