

The selection of articles for the Scientific Journals (quarterly) is continuous. Articles for publication are accepted in Polish or English. Articles are checked with an anti-plagiarism program.

From No. 58/2025 (Q2 2025) articles will be accepted and published only in English.

The following issues of the quarterly in a given year appear:

Vol. 1 – until March 31st
Vol. 2 – until July 30th
Vol. 3 – until September 30th
Vol. 4 – until December 31st


As of April 1, 2025, a publication fee of PLN 200 net applies.

The average time of publication of an article in a journal - three months.

All submitted texts are subject to a three-stage review process by Editorial Board and adopted reviewing procedure.

The article must be verified and reviewed positively to be published in Research Reviews of Czestochowa University of Technology. Management.



  1. The texts are accepted only in electronic form in a text file (Microsoft Word files in version 2007 or newer).
  2. The authors are asked to send texts to the following address: znpcz@wz.pcz.pl
  3. We accept texts written in English and Polish
  4. Title, abstract, and keywords must be prepared in English
  5. The bibliography must be prepared in the Latin alphabet. All other descriptions should be transliterated.
  6. The APA style applies to the preparation of in-text citations and references.
  7. The authors are asked to send formatted articles according to the requirements of the available template. Download template.
  8. The abstract must include a clearly defined main research objective oscillating in the field of management sciences, the scope of research, sources of data, and research methodology.



The author and the text of the article are required to send a completed and legibly signed statement according to the following formula: download copyright statement

Articles published in the journal are made available under a Creative Commons license Recognition – Non-commercial use 4.0 International. Certain rights are reserved for the Czestochowa University of Technology.
Link to the license text: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode.pl


The editors apply procedures for dealing with the unethical behavior of authors or reviewers.
The authors should familiarize themselves with the ghostwriting and guest authorship policy in the ETHICAL CODE tab.
The editors apply to the COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines.

Copyright © Politechnika Częstochowska. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone.

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